
Friday, March 21, 2014

A Few Things

Just a few things I've come across on the internet recently that I think are great.

-This TedXBeaconStreet Talk by Beth Babckock on how poverty affects executive function has some exciting news about the success of coaching adults and improving their executive function skills.

-When I lived in Boston I visited a 3D printing store. Seeing it in person allowed me to finally understand how it worked, but I still didn't really understand the implications of it. Here's a cool way doctor's are using 3D printing to help a baby breathe.

-Enjoyed these 14 Tips for Developing Leadership Presence. Good advice for any occupational therapist in any position.

-The April edition of Parents Magazine features two children with autism on the cover. So cool!

-Some home speech practice that incorporates movement. Seal of approval from this OT!

-I love board games that use logic and reasoning skills. I especially love games that are great for both kids and adults, like this one.

-I'm also always on the lookout for a good iPad stylus. There are more and more geared toward kids (like this, this, and this). Has anyone used any of these? I like that they are being designed to look like crayons and pencils, but some of these look a bit too chunky for little hands. What do you think?

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