Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An OT's Perspective - Tonya of Therapy Fun Zone

 It's week three of OT Month and I'm back with another great OT's Perspective!

Please welcome Tonya of Therapy Fun Zone! Tonya has been an occupational therapist for 22 years and shares her ideas from years of OT experience on her website. She is also the creator of many fun therapy products, which you can purchase in her store. I'm so happy to have Tonya here today to share her perspective!

My life as an occupational therapist in five words: 

Full of creativity and fun

Four qualities every pediatric OT should have: 

  • creative
  • open to listening to your clients
  • like to solve problems
  • able to be flexible

Three resources I can’t live without:  

schedule book, laminator, toys :)

Two words (or more!) of advice for the parents of a child who recently started receiving occupational therapy: 

Watch what the therapist does, and do similar things when they are not there. Ask questions of the therapist, don't just trust what you read on the internet.

A word of advice for someone who is considering a career in occupational therapy:  

Be flexible.

What I do to rest and relax. Or in OT terms, how I maintain occupational balance:

I don't feel like my day is complete until I lay down to read a fun book. I love to read almost anything, but prefer fantasy, especially child/young adult fantasy such as Harry Potter and Hunger Games. I also love the outdoors and camping, hiking, swimming in the ocean, and snorkeling. Before I became an OT, I was planning on becoming a marine biologist. Now it is better as a fun hobby.

Tonya, thanks so much for stopping by to share your perspective! Readers, be sure to check out Tonya's blog, Therapy Fun Zone, as well as her printables section and therapy store. You can also follow Tonya on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Teachers Pay Teachers.

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