Monday, March 25, 2013

Create a study space

Students Studying 

On Friday I showed you how to help your child set up a Get Ready-Do-Done workspace. Today I'd like to share some easy tips on how to set up an enclosed, distraction-free workspace.

The easiest way is to create a portable study carrel using an old box or by cutting a tri-fold display board to your desired size. I personally really like this one from Martha Stewart, although I probably wouldn't have that much stuff hanging on it, because it could be a visual distraction.

Another way to create a distraction-free workspace is to turn a closet into a desk. I know this is not an option for all people, but if you do have some closet space to spare, this post by a super-organized mom, shows you how to do it from start to finish. Here's another closet turned desk. If you're looking for even more inspiration, just search "closet desk for kids" on Pinterest and I'm sure you'll come up with lots of options.

Now that you've got an enclosed study space to help limit distractions, you can have your child set up their Get Ready-Do-Done workspace in it and they'll be all set!

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