Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Features

This week I...

- Wrote a guest post for Mama OT. If you missed it, hop on over to her blog to read 5 things your school OT wishes you would do this summer.

-  Changed the url on my blog to I know this will be good in the long run, but I'm concerned all of my readers won't be able to find me (blogger doesn't have a way to set up a redirect page). I want to avoid confusion with Loren Shlaes' blog, pediatricOT, whose url is By the way, her blog is full of great articles, so I'd recommend that you go over and visit Loren's blog for some great information. I'm not sure how my url change will affect RSS feeds and other links already out on the web, I hope I don't lose my faithful readers! Feel free to help spread the word that my url is now!

- Did a ton of pinning of my own blog posts. I hate doing that because it feels like I'm just trying to push my own blog and ideas, but since I changed my url, all of the pins that others put on Pinterest will no longer link back to my blog (and blogger won't let me set up a page redirect) :-(  I really prefer to use Pinterest to organize all of the great ideas I come across on the web and from other bloggers, but I have to admit, I do enjoy getting comments and emails from people who have found my blog through Pinterest. If you're interested in checking out what I've come across on the web, feel free to check out my therapy boards by clicking here.

Friday Features Link:

-Mama OT has a great post on 10 tips to prepare parents for their child's in-home evaluation. As an OT and mama to a 10 month old, she recently found herself in the unique position of having her son undergo a developmental evaluation. Her insight into the whole process is great for parents wondering how early intervention works and what to expect at the developmental evaluation.

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